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Wi-Fi Display Standard Miracast Protocol Log

by digipine posted Nov 02, 2017


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WFD(Miracast) 프로토콜 문서만 보고 이해가기 힘든데요. 아래 Log를 보고 분석하면 이해하는데 많은 도움이 됩니다.
실제 안드로이드 Source기기에서 추출한 Log 입니다.
### RTSP_SEND_GET_PARAMETER: GET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Content-Type: text/parameters
Content-Length: 59
process_video_format=40 00 02 04 00019CEB 053C7FFF 00000FFF 00 0000 0000 11 none none, 01 04 00019CEB 053C7FFF 00000FFF 00 0000 0000 11 none none->dest=38 00 02 02 00000080 00000000 00000000 00 0000 0000 00 none none
process_audio_format=LPCM 00000003 00, AAC 00000001 00, AC3 00000000 00->dest=AAC 00000001 00
process_rtp_format=RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast 19000 0 mode=play->dest=RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast 19000 0 mode=play
### RTSP_SEND_SET_PARAMETER: SET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 3
Content-Type: text/parameters
Content-Length: 247
wfd_video_formats: 38 00 02 02 00000080 00000000 00000000 00 0000 0000 00 none none
wfd_audio_codecs: AAC 00000001 00
wfd_client_rtp_ports: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast 19000 0 mode=play
wfd_presentation_URL: rtsp:// none
### RTSP_SEND_SETUP: SET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Content-Type: text/parameters
Content-Length: 27
wfd_trigger_method: SETUP

01-01 14:48:23.807 1214-1214/com.rockchip.mediacenter:service D/SystemDeviceService: Network changed, but ipaddress not changed. 

01-01 14:48:23.882 3240-3240/? I/wfd: ##############

01-01 14:48:23.883 3240-3240/? I/wfd: line =IP address       HW type     Flags       HW address            Mask     Device

01-01 14:48:23.883 3240-3240/? I/wfd: Device =HW

01-01 14:48:23.883 3240-3240/? I/wfd: line =   0x1         0x2        2e:59:8a:5a:7c:5c     *        p2p-wlan0-8

01-01 14:48:23.884 3240-3240/? I/wfd: Device =p2p-wlan0-8

01-01 14:48:23.884 3240-3240/? I/wfd: ####IpAddr ==

01-01 14:48:23.884 3240-3240/? E/wfd: start---------WFD s connectToHost =,connectToPort=7236

01-01 14:48:24.687 3240-3240/? E/wfd: start---------WFD s connectToPort=7236 connectToHost.c_str()

01-01 14:48:24.687 3240-3249/? D/WifiDisplaySink: b8f48238 wifidisplaysink 1 b8f48238

01-01 14:48:24.687 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: start---------(shost,sport)

01-01 14:48:24.687 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: start   sink

01-01 14:48:24.688 3240-3249/? D/WifiDisplaySink:  before listen s 10

01-01 14:48:24.693 3240-3240/? I/NetworkSession: connecting socket 11 to

01-01 14:48:24.712 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: We're now connected.

01-01 14:48:24.726 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.727 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.727 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: OPTIONS * RTSP/1.0

                                                  cseq: 0

                                                  require: org.wfa.wfd1.0

01-01 14:48:24.727 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.733 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: *******************************

01-01 14:48:24.733 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: OPTIONS * RTSP/1.0

                                                  Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 14:48:24 +0000

                                                  User-Agent: stagefright/1.1 (Linux;Android 4.1):rockchip

                                                  CSeq: 1

                                                  Require: org.wfa.wfd1.0

01-01 14:48:24.733 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: *******************************

01-01 14:48:24.748 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.748 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.748 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: RTSP/1.0 200 OK

                                                  cseq: 1

                                                  public: org.wfa.wfd1.0, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER, SETUP, PLAY, PAUSE, TEARDOWN

01-01 14:48:24.749 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.791 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.791 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.791 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: GET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0

                                                  content-length: 212

                                                  content-type: text/parameters

                                                  cseq: 1












01-01 14:48:24.791 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.796 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: key inside ?:

01-01 14:48:24.797 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: send m3 respose

01-01 14:48:24.797 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: RTSP/1.0 200 OK

                                                  Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 14:48:24 +0000

                                                  User-Agent: stagefright/1.1 (Linux;Android 4.1):rockchip

                                                  CSeq: 1

                                                  Content-Type: text/parameters

                                                  Content-Length: 280


                                                  wfd_video_formats: 00 00 02 02 0001DEFF 157C7FFF 00000FFF 00 0000 0000 00 none none

                                                  wfd_audio_codecs: LPCM 00000002 00, AAC 0000000F 00

                                                  wfd_uibc_capability: none

                                                  wfd_content_protection: none

                                                  wfd_coupled_sink: none

                                                  wfd_client_rtp_ports: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast 15550 0 mode=play

01-01 14:48:24.818 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.818 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.818 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: SET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0

                                                  content-length: 249

                                                  content-type: text/parameters

                                                  cseq: 2

                                                  session: 00000000


                                                  wfd_audio_codecs: AAC 00000001 00

                                                  wfd_video_formats: 00 00 02 02 00000080 00000000 00000000 00 0000 0000 00 none none

                                                  wfd_presentation_URL: rtsp:// none

                                                  wfd_client_rtp_ports: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast 15550 0 mode=play

01-01 14:48:24.818 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.818 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: SET_Parameter: parse url = rtsp://

01-01 14:48:24.819 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: send m4 response

01-01 14:48:24.819 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: RTSP/1.0 200 OK

                                                  Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 14:48:24 +0000

                                                  User-Agent: stagefright/1.1 (Linux;Android 4.1):rockchip

                                                  CSeq: 2

01-01 14:48:24.824 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.824 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.825 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: SET_PARAMETER rtsp://localhost/wfd1.0 RTSP/1.0

                                                  content-length: 27

                                                  content-type: text/parameters

                                                  cseq: 3

                                                  session: 00000000


                                                  wfd_trigger_method: SETUP

01-01 14:48:24.825 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.826 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onSetParmeterRequest content wfd_trigger_method: SETUP

01-01 14:48:24.929 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.929 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.929 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: RTSP/1.0 200 OK

                                                  cseq: 2

                                                  date: Wed, Feb 15 2017 08:40:26 GMT

                                                  session: 00000000

                                                  transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;client_port=15550-15551;server_port=19022-19023

01-01 14:48:24.929 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.929 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveSetupResponse********************

01-01 14:48:24.938 3240-3240/? D/WifiDisplaySink: onReceiveClientData sessionID 1

01-01 14:48:24.938 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************

01-01 14:48:24.938 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: RTSP/1.0 200 OK

                                                  cseq: 3

                                                  date: Wed, Feb 15 2017 08:40:26 GMT

01-01 14:48:24.938 3240-3240/? I/WifiDisplaySink: ****************************************


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