

이곳의 프로그래밍관련 정보와 소스는 마음대로 활용하셔도 좋습니다. 다만 쓰시기 전에 통보 정도는 해주시는 것이 예의 일것 같습니다. 질문이나 오류 수정은 siseong@gmail.com 으로 주세요. 감사합니다.

Windows Visual Studio 2022 OpenSSL Build 방법

by digipine posted May 02, 2024


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Websocket SSL 연결을 위해 OpenSSL을 Static 빌드해서 사용한다. 현재 Open SSL의 버전은 1.x.x와 3.x.x 가 존재한다. 

아래 내용은 한글 윈도우즈 10에서 Visual Studio 2022 버전 환경 기반이다.

다른 버전에서도 크게 차이는 없을 것으로 판단됨.


Open SSL 소스 코드 다운로드 : 
아래 사이트에서 다운로드 1,3 버전 중 선택해서 최신 안정화 버전으로 다운로드 한다.


Perl 설치 :

두버전 모두 Perl이 설치되어야 빌드가 가능하다.

Perl 다운로드 : https://strawberryperl.com/


nasm 다운로드 :  https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/?C=M;O=D

nasm 2.16.01 버전으로 설치해서 빌드


환경 변수 등록

빌드시에  VS의 CMD 창에서는 빌드가 안됨, 별도의 x86 툴로 빌드해야한다.

윈도우의 환경 변수로 아래 Path를 등록해준다

path nmake.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin
path cl.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86


한글 윈도우 터미널 창 코드 관련 문제

한글 코드 관련으로 빌드시에 오류가 발생할 수 있다.  오류 발생시 터미널 창에서 아래 명령으로 환경 설정을 해준다.

se터t LANG=C
set LC_ALL=C

Build 하기


configure 설정 만들기


터미널 창을 실행하고 소스가 저장된 디렉토리로 이동한다.

cd C:\Users\siseongahn\Develop\openssl\openssl-1.1.1v

아래 명령어로 x86 툴로 64비트로 빌드하도록 설정한다.

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64


configure 설정 (디버그/ 릴리즈 모드)

perl Configure -MTd no-shared no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 debug-VC-WIN64A
perl Configure -MT no-shared no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 VC-WIN64A


빌드 실행

nmake clean
nmake install

완료 후에 C:\Program Files\OpenSSL 폴더안에 빌드된 라이브러리와 Include 파일이 설치된다.


테스트 실행

1.1.1w 버전으로 pass 됨

Test 결과 1.1.1w
Microsoft(R) Program Maintenance Utility 버전 14.00.24247.2
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
        mkdir .\test\test-runs
        set SRCTOP=.
        set BLDTOP=.
        set RESULT_D=.\test\test-runs
        set PERL=C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
        set OPENSSL_ENGINES=C:\Users\siseongahn\Develop\openssl\openssl-1.1.1w\engines
        "C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" ".\test\run_tests.pl"
test\recipes\01-test_abort.t .................... ok
test\recipes\01-test_sanity.t ................... ok
test\recipes\01-test_symbol_presence.t .......... skipped: Only useful when building shared libraries
test\recipes\01-test_test.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\02-test_errstr.t ................... skipped: This is unsupported on MSYS/MinGW or MSWin32
test\recipes\02-test_internal_ctype.t ........... ok
test\recipes\02-test_lhash.t .................... ok
test\recipes\02-test_ordinals.t ................. ok
test\recipes\02-test_stack.t .................... ok
test\recipes\03-test_exdata.t ................... ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_asn1.t ............ ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_chacha.t .......... ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_curve448.t ........ ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_ec.t .............. ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_mdc2.t ............ skipped: mdc2 is not supported by this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\03-test_internal_modes.t ........... ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_poly1305.t ........ ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_siphash.t ......... ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_sm2.t ............. ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_sm4.t ............. ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_ssl_cert_table.t .. ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_x509.t ............ ok
test\recipes\03-test_ui.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\04-test_asn1_decode.t .............. ok
test\recipes\04-test_asn1_encode.t .............. ok
test\recipes\04-test_asn1_string_table.t ........ ok
test\recipes\04-test_bio_callback.t ............. ok
test\recipes\04-test_bioprint.t ................. ok
test\recipes\04-test_err.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\04-test_pem.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_bf.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_cast.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_cmac.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_des.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_hmac.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_idea.t ..................... skipped: idea is not supported by this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\05-test_md2.t ...................... skipped: md2 is not supported by this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\05-test_mdc2.t ..................... skipped: mdc2 is not supported by this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\05-test_rand.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_rc2.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_rc4.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\05-test_rc5.t ...................... skipped: rc5 is not supported by this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\06-test-rdrand.t ................... ok
test\recipes\10-test_bn.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\10-test_exp.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_dh.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_dsa.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_ec.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_ecdsa.t .................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_ecparam.t .................. ok
test\recipes\15-test_genec.t .................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_genrsa.t ................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_mp_rsa.t ................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_out_option.t ............... ok
test\recipes\15-test_rsa.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\15-test_rsapss.t ................... ok
test\recipes\20-test_dgst.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\20-test_enc.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\20-test_enc_more.t ................. ok
test\recipes\20-test_passwd.t ................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_crl.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_d2i.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_pkcs7.t .................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_req.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_sid.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_verify.t ................... ok
test\recipes\25-test_x509.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\30-test_afalg.t .................... skipped: test_afalg not supported for this build
test\recipes\30-test_engine.t ................... ok
test\recipes\30-test_evp.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\30-test_evp_extra.t ................ ok
test\recipes\30-test_pbelu.t .................... ok
test\recipes\30-test_pkey_meth.t ................ ok
test\recipes\30-test_pkey_meth_kdf.t ............ ok
test\recipes\40-test_rehash.t ................... skipped: test_rehash is not available on this platform
test\recipes\60-test_x509_check_cert_pkey.t ..... ok
test\recipes\60-test_x509_dup_cert.t ............ ok
test\recipes\60-test_x509_store.t ............... skipped: test_rehash is not available on this platform
test\recipes\60-test_x509_time.t ................ ok
test\recipes\70-test_asyncio.t .................. ok
test\recipes\70-test_bad_dtls.t ................. ok
test\recipes\70-test_clienthello.t .............. ok
test\recipes\70-test_comp.t ..................... skipped: test_comp needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_key_share.t ................ skipped: test_key_share needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_packet.t ................... ok
test\recipes\70-test_recordlen.t ................ ok
test\recipes\70-test_renegotiation.t ............ skipped: test_renegotiation needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_servername.t ............... ok
test\recipes\70-test_sslcbcpadding.t ............ skipped: test_sslcbcpadding needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslcertstatus.t ............ skipped: test_sslcertstatus needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslextension.t ............. skipped: test_sslextension needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslmessages.t .............. skipped: test_sslmessages needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslrecords.t ............... skipped: test_sslrecords needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslsessiontick.t ........... skipped: test_sslsessiontick needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslsigalgs.t ............... skipped: test_sslsigalgs needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslsignature.t ............. skipped: test_sslsignature needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslskewith0p.t ............. skipped: test_sslskewith0p needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslversions.t .............. skipped: test_sslversions needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_sslvertol.t ................ skipped: test_sslextension needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13alerts.t .............. skipped: test_tls13alerts needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13cookie.t .............. skipped: test_tls13cookie needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13downgrade.t ........... skipped: test_tls13downgrade needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13hrr.t ................. skipped: test_tls13hrr needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13kexmodes.t ............ skipped: test_tls13kexmodes needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13messages.t ............ skipped: test_tls13messages needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tls13psk.t ................. skipped: test_tls13psk needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_tlsextms.t ................. skipped: test_tlsextms needs the dynamic engine feature enabled
test\recipes\70-test_verify_extra.t ............. ok
test\recipes\70-test_wpacket.t .................. ok
test\recipes\80-test_ca.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_cipherbytes.t .............. ok
test\recipes\80-test_cipherlist.t ............... ok
test\recipes\80-test_ciphername.t ............... ok
test\recipes\80-test_cms.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_cmsapi.t ................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_ct.t ....................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_dane.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_dtls.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_dtls_mtu.t ................. ok
test\recipes\80-test_dtlsv1listen.t ............. ok
test\recipes\80-test_ocsp.t ..................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_pkcs12.t ................... skipped: Non-Greek system locale
test\recipes\80-test_policy_tree.t .............. ok
test\recipes\80-test_ssl_new.t .................. ok
test\recipes\80-test_ssl_old.t .................. ok
test\recipes\80-test_ssl_test_ctx.t ............. ok
test\recipes\80-test_sslcorrupt.t ............... ok
test\recipes\80-test_tsa.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\80-test_x509aux.t .................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_asn1_time.t ................ ok
test\recipes\90-test_async.t .................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_bio_enc.t .................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_bio_memleak.t .............. ok
test\recipes\90-test_constant_time.t ............ ok
test\recipes\90-test_fatalerr.t ................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_gmdiff.t ................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_gost.t ..................... skipped: GOST support is disabled in this OpenSSL build
test\recipes\90-test_ige.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_includes.t ................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_memleak.t .................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_overhead.t ................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_secmem.t ................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_shlibload.t ................ skipped: Test only supported in a shared build
test\recipes\90-test_srp.t ...................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_sslapi.t ................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_sslbuffers.t ............... ok
test\recipes\90-test_store.t .................... ok
test\recipes\90-test_sysdefault.t ............... ok
test\recipes\90-test_threads.t .................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_time_offset.t .............. ok
test\recipes\90-test_tls13ccs.t ................. ok
test\recipes\90-test_tls13encryption.t .......... ok
test\recipes\90-test_tls13secrets.t ............. skipped: tls13secrets is not supported in this build
test\recipes\90-test_v3name.t ................... ok
test\recipes\95-test_external_boringssl.t ....... skipped: No external tests in this configuration
test\recipes\95-test_external_krb5.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration
test\recipes\95-test_external_pyca.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration
test\recipes\99-test_ecstress.t ................. ok
test\recipes\99-test_fuzz.t ..................... ok
All tests successful.
Files=159, Tests=2342506 wallclock secs ( 0.53 usr +  0.99 sys =  1.52 CPU)
Result: PASS
  • ?
    digipine 2024.05.02 18:47
    3.3.0 버전으로 테스트 실패
    이유는 터미널 창의 UTF8 코드 오류가 발생하는 것이 원인, 실제 사용에는 문제가 없을 것을 판단됨

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